Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Notice to owners about development of Spier

Owners are advised to familiarise themselves with the development that is planned at Spier wine estate. The developer has registered as an Interested and Affected Party as well as the proposed new home owners association - to represent owners, but owners can register in their individual capacity as well.


Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Reference Number: E12/2/3/2-B4/37-0520/07

Uotice is hereby given of a public participation process in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations contained in section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA).

Spier Holdings (Spier) is proposing the development of a multi-disciplinary African Art Centre on the South Bank of the Spier Estate, as well as an urban residential area with associated social facilities, services and agriculture. It is proposed that the footprint of the infrastructure be strategically sited within an area of just over 100 hectares which would also include open space, functional farmland and nature conservation areas. As long term sustainability and environmental care are at the core of Spier's business ethic, it is further proposed that the South Bank's infrastructure would emphasise the use of local materials, recycled waste and water, use energy from renewable sources, and minimise pollution.

The property in question comprises portion 10 of Farm 502, Farm 1404 and Farm 491/6, Stellenbosch and is situated on the "Greater Spier Wine Estate" in the Stellenbosch Municipal District. It is approximately 100 hectares in size and runs parallel to the Eerste River in the vicinity of Spier. The R310, Lynedoch Road and Annandale Road are In close proximity to the site.

The proposed development requires authorisation from the relevant authority in terms of, section 24 (5) read with section 44 of NEMA. The relevant authority in this case is the provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (D:EA&DP).

The proposed projects triggers the NEMA EIA Regulations, namely listed activity No's 1(a), 1(k), 1(m), 4,15 and 18 as identified in Government Notice No. R386, and listed activity No. 2 of Government Notice No. R387 of 21 April 2006. As such, a Scoping and EIA process will be required. The relevant listed activities are detailed below:

Government Notice R386:

1 (a). The construction of facilities or infrastructure, including associated structures or Infrastructure, for the generation of electricity where the electricity output is more than 10 megawattts but less than 20 megawatts;

1 (k). The construction of facilities or infrastructure, including associated structures or infrastructure for the bulk transportation of sewage and water, including storm water, in pipelines with -(i) an internal diameter of 0,36 meters or more; or (ii) a peak throughput of 120 litres per second or more;

1 (m) Any purpose In the one in ten year flood line of a river or stream, or within 32 meters from the bank of a river or stream where the flood line is unknown, excluding purposes associated with existing residential use, but including canals, channels, bridges, dams and weirs;

4. The dredging, excavation, infilling, removal or moving of soil, sand or rock exceeding 5 cubic meters from a river, tidal lagoon, tidal river, lake, in-stream dam, floodplain or wetland;

15, The construction of a road that is wider than 4 meters or that has a reserve wider than 6 meters, excluding roads that fall within the ambit of another listed activity or which are access roads of less than 30 meters long;

18. The subdivision of portions of land 9 hectares or larger into portions of 5 hectares or less; and

Government Notice 387;

2. Any development activity, including associated structures and infrastructure, where the total area of the developed area is, or is intended to

be, 20 hectares or more.

Spier has appointed Chand Environmental Consultants to undertake the EIA process for this proposed development, the first step of which is the Scoping Study.

Public input is a legislated requirement of the environmental assessment process. To register as an Interested and/or Affected Party and receive further Information in this regard, please ensure to contact us before the 14 December 2007: Melanie van Breda / Kim Blessie

Chand Environmental Consultants

P 0 Box 238 Plumstead 7801

Tel: 021 762 3050 • Fax: 021 762 3240 • E-mail: melanie@chand.co.za / kim@chand.co.za